Saturday, September 5, 2015


This was our 2015 Broxton Church of God Secret Sister (Secret Pal) Salad Dinner and Name Revealing.  Secret Sisters is always so exciting and so much fun!!! 
Every year we have a Secret Sister group for only one month... the month of June.  Any ladies who want to participate signs-up and we draw names. This year we had 12 ladies to participate.  We secretly give gifts, cards, pray for our secret sister, etc. for one month.  Most ladies bring a gift to church for their Secret Sister each week (even though it's not required) since it only lasts for one month.
At the end of the month, we have a meal together and exchange one final gift revealing our true identity.  We had a Salad Dinner for our Name Revealing on July 2.  Each lady signed up to bring a different type of salad. 
Bonnie Brown and I set up and decorated with a Picnic theme.
Have you ever had Salad in a jar?  Pat Hester made an individual Salad in a jar for each lady.  I took mine home, put it in the fridge and ate it several days later and it was just as fresh as if it had just been made!
See that GIANT POLKA DOT BAG?  That was the gift that my Secret Sister gave me!  Oh my gosh!  It was like getting up on Christmas morning and finding underneath the tree loaded with presents!  I think she tried to put everything I had written on my Secret Sister questionnaire in that bag.  There was a HUGE purse and it was filled with LOTS of presents.  It was unreal.  This lady had way over done it, to say the least! 

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Debra Pate